Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Lots of Learning Going On

Two weeks ago Trucker spent the week with his Grandma and Grandpa in southern Minnesota. He was learning a ton from Grandpa Marv about doing body work on his truck. He had to learn a lot as fast as he could because he only had one week down there.
When that week was up, he had to get back home because he started his first honest-to-goodness, tax paying job last Monday. He is working at a potato farm; doing physical work with his hands, getting dirty and spending his days outside. All fun stuff to him. However, he learned how many breaks a day you get the hard way. I packed him two sandwiches and two snacks Monday morning. When morning break rolled around, no one told him that it was only break time, he assumed it was lunch. So he ate all of his food - then had to go several more hours through lunch and afternoon break with no food! I don't think he has ever gone that long without eating since the day he was born, other than when he is sleeping. We both learned a lesson that day. I learned he will be putting in some long days and needs more food. He now gets three sandwiches and three or four snacks in his lunch. He learned that you get a few breaks a day and that you should spread your food out over all of them!
I do have to wonder about the guys he works with though. Trucker told me over the weekend that he was embarrassed eating baby carrots as one of his snacks last week. I personally don't know what is embarrassing about eating baby carrots so I asked him why. He informed me that the rest of the guys don't eat healthy snacks, they eat lots of cookies and cake. I only give Trucker one junk food snack a day, the rest of the snacks are fruit, yogurt or veggies. Do you suppose the adult men working there really eat that poorly? Or do you think Trucker is trying to weasel more cookies and pieces of cake and pie out of me?!!

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