Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Good Advice

The Princess and Helen, these two have been friends since kindergarten. These kinds of friendships are to be treasured. They have both already told each other that they will be standing up in each other's weddings! Tomorrow they are going out to dinner to celebrate the Princess's seventeenth birthday!

We have another picture just like this, but both of them have their eyes open! I loaded the wrong one!

I am just amazed when I settle down to spend some time with God and I read exactly what I needed to hear at that particular time. This happened again last night. The Princess and I were discussing different things, things that we don't quite agree on! Tomorrow she will be seventeen. I am still the Mom, she is still the child, but our relationship is definately changing. Not in a bad way at all, I would say we are changing from the mother/daughter relationship into a friendship. We were having one of those times when I am quite sure I know what is best for her, but it is not at all a situation where I have to tell her "I am the Mom and this is what you will do". Sometimes (most times) it is hard for me to keep my mouth shut and not tell my children what or how they should be handling their lives. I also realize as they are quickly becoming adults, I need to fix how I handle this! Are you still following all of this? I know many of you have already gone through these days!
I wanted to say all of that to show you how God used a devotion to help me last night.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they simply are! Think of the sea, the air, the sun, the stars and the moon - all these are, and what a ministration they exert. So often we mar God's designed influence through us by our self-conscious effort to be consistent and useful. Jesus says that there is only one way to develop spiritually, and that is by concentration on God. "Do not bother about being of use to others; believe on Me" - pay attention to the Source, and out of you will flow rivers of living water. We cannot get at the springs of our natural life by common sense, and Jesus is teaching that growth in spiritual life does not depend on our watching it, but on concentration on our Father in heaven. Our heavenly Father knows the circumstances we are in, and if we keep concentrated on Him we will grow spiritually as the lilies.
The people who influence us most are not those who buttonhole us and talk to us, but those who live their lives like the stars in heaven and the lilies in the field, perfectly, simply and unaffectedly. Those are the lives that mold us.
If you want to be of use to God, get rightly related to Jesus Christ and He will make you of use unconsciously every minute you live.
~ Oswald Chambers in My Utmost For His Highest
Ever since the day our Princess was born, my prayer has been that I would be a godly example to my children. Oswald Chambers words really nailed what I was thinking about.


  1. So glad you stopped by my blog. Raising our children is a huge part of our lives. Trust me, letting them grow up, marry, and move away is a rough road. I hope and pray that moms like you that are rounding that corner will allow the Lord to prepare your heart. Mine was so NOT prepared.

    Today life is good although I miss my three girls and having every day interaction. I am a blessed mom, yet often wonder why my kids are all far away.

    Love the beautiful post you've written. Our time with these beauties goes by far to quickly and they are grown and on their own. The good part is that I have learned that they still come back to Mom even though they are grown.

    Blessings to you! Feel free to link to me anytime :D

  2. I often think that raising kids is like tending a garden. Your children are your garden plot. What grows there depends on what seeds or ideas you plant and how you tend them. Tender plants need lots of love and care! Not just food and water. We can try to control them with strings and trellis, but still they grow with a plan of their own. And are they ever stunning and beautiful when they bloom!! Just like you! Rose or Daisy, they are all amazing and wondrous to look at. Your garden is going to be amazing too. You are a fantastic gardener!
