One night last week the Princess was sitting at her desk, in her bedroom, listening to the Brewer game. The King went in her room and plunked down on her bed to listen to the game, also.
I was in our bedroom, reading. After a few innings, I heard the Princess softly saying, "Dad, Dad, wake up, I want to go to bed"! How cute is that? He goes in to listen to the game with her and falls asleep in her bed. It was one of those sweet moments that I cherish.
When he came into our bedroom, I asked him if he fell asleep. He told me that he had and he thought it was rather rude of her to wake him up!
The Princess's first softball game of the season is scheduled for this afternoon. It hasn't rained in months, and now we are supposed to get some today! We do need the rain, so I am not complaining, but I was pretty pumped to go watch her play.
Hope it rains before and after the game and not during!