Thursday, February 25, 2010

Free Day

Normally I work in our church office on Thursday mornings. This morning was no different; I got there around 7:20 am, fired up the computer and went into the kitchen to get a pitcher of water to take care of the plants. When I was finished with the plants, I went back into my office to check the e-mails, but my computer was not on. Hmmm…I thought for sure I had turned it on. I must have meant to, but never did…so I turned it on. I then grabbed some of my dishes from the church kitchen and took them out to my vehicle. Went back into the office, and my computer wasn’t on. This time I know for a fact that I had turned it on. I tried to turn it on again, no go. Check the cords; everything is the way it should be. Try to turn it on again, nothing. I told the Pastor I broke the computer, it won’t work at all or even turn on. He came and looked it over and he couldn’t get it to do anything, either. Pastor thinks that computer is eight or nine years old and that it has reached the end of its life span. While he and the elders figure out what to do about another computer, I get the day off! Now it is a free day, for me to do whatever I want! So many choices, too. I can crochet on my next afghan, work on Trucker’s quilt, make a table runner for my sister-in-law’s birthday, bake some goodies so our cookie tin isn’t bare, read my book, prepare Sunday’s Sunday School lesson or do some cleaning. I don’t think anyone should do cleaning on a free day though. A free day should be a fun day, don’t ya agree?!!

Pattern is called Remnants and can be found in Afghans For All Seasons Book 3.

I finished this afghan last week. My yarn cupboard was over flowing, so I needed to use some of the yarn up. The Princess thinks it is an ugly afghan! I will be sure to remind her of that when she is snuggled up in it on the couch. I have to admit, it’s not the prettiest one I ever made, but I remember where most of the scraps came from that I used up. The pink is from the Princess’s afghan. The dark green and gray are from an afghan I made for my Grandma several years ago, I think my Aunt and Uncle have that afghan now. The blue is leftover from a 25th wedding anniversary afghan I made for some friends. Mom bought the orange for me at a garage sale along with a garbage bag full of yarn. The mint green was used for the King’s brother’s wedding gift. Even if it is an ugly afghan, every time I look at it it will remind me of all the other people that kind of are a part of this blanket!


  1. I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Or you're just a great photographer. I think it's very pretty!! I love the bright colors along with the dark shades. If you hadn't already given me an afghan, I'd be after it. Maybe it will come up missing next time we're up there. You know how those dogs of yours haul stuff off.

  2. I love an unexpected day off!

  3. I like the afghan too. And I like it even more knowing you used up bits and pieces of former projects to make it! The Princess will understand that sense of satisfaction someday....
