Tuesday, June 22, 2010

This Weekend I...

~ Drove the wrong way on a one-way aisle in a parking ramp.

~ Went to a quilt show with my Mom and mother-in-law.

~ Ooohed and aaaahhhhhed over several quilts.

~ Went to a beautiful rose garden in St. Cloud, Minnesota. If you are ever passing through St. Cloud, stop and visit the rose garden. There is no charge, and there are thousands of flowers and fountains to look at. It will be well worth your stop!

~ Ate lunch at Red Lobster!

~ Kneeled right on a dog turd while playing with my Mom's dog.

~ While driving to southern Minnesota with my mother-in-law, she pointed out the farm house her Aunt and Uncle lived in when she was a young girl.

~ Also drove by the farm house her Dad was born in, in 1900!

~ Got to ride home with Trucker in his new-to-him 1992 Ford truck! Thanks to a lot of hard work on his part and some help from Grandma and Grandpa, he owns his own truck before he even has his driver's license!

I stole this "This Weekend I" from Becky at Keys to the Cottage. You can get to her blog from my side bar. You are supposed to be able to use her cute picture too, but I don't know how to do that. And it is to hot to sit upstairs at the computer much longer to figure it out!


  1. I'm so sorry to be laughing .. but kneeling on a dog turd just is a big winner for the weekend summary. Sorry! You made my day!!

  2. When you're bored have you ever heard the saying "watching grass grow"? Well, here's another one - watching bondo dry! Trucker and I spent lots of time sitting around watching bondo dry. It wasn't boring at all. In fact, it was great quality time. At least for me. Next time I hear someone complain about sitting around and watching the grass grow, it will make me think of how enjoyable that time could be. All the possibilities - it make my mind boggle! I hope you have lots and lots of time to sit around with your kids and watch the grass grow or bondo dry!
