Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Oh, Shoot!

More prom pics!

Prom court
Our Princess and Andrew, the gentleman she walked with on court.

Our Princess

Last month I picked out a Mother's Day present for the King's Mom. I called both of his sisters to let them know that I had something for her. They were both willing to help pay for her gift and it is from all of us. I cannot send the gift to her because it would be too awkward to mail. Not a big deal, I will let her know in a card that her gift will be there whenever we visit again. Two weeks ago the King and I found the perfect card for her. I thought it was too soon to mail it then so I set it on our desk to wait a week or so. I should have known better!

Mother's Day morning the King calls his Mommy to wish her a Happy Mother's Day. Half way through their conversation I remember that her card is still sitting on our desk! Shoot! Way to go, Candy! Now she doesn't have a card nor does she know that she has a gift here that is from all of us. Thanks to me, she probably thinks all of her kids are losers and didn't think about her!!
Thankfully she is late with her cards sometimes, too, so she will totally understand! And I will be getting that card in today's mail.


  1. That's why I came to pick up my card. I saved you the stamp. And I love my flowers, thank you. Prom was lots of fun too. Our princess sure looked the part!! Both prom morning and evening! And the nice part is she's as beautiful inside as she is outside. You guys have done a fine job.

  2. Oh, that is JUST something I would do! Rats!
