Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Happy Late Valentine's Day

The Princess, a friend of hers and I went to Mom and Marv’s for a long weekend. We did some prom dress shopping and hit up Mall of America twice in two days! We were able to find a prom dress for our Princess, but still need to find one for Helen. So hard to believe it is their Junior Prom. It seems like it was only a few years ago I was sitting on the floor with them on their first day of kindergarten! They were cute little girls then, now seeing them trying on formal dresses reminded me again what beautiful young ladies they have grown into.

When we got home yesterday, these flowers were waiting for me on the table from my Valentine! What I guy I got! What a Dad he is, too, he also had a vase of roses waiting for our Princess. I love it that he does stuff like that for our daughter. I pray that these random acts of kindness along with the love that he shows her will teach her what she wants in a husband some day. I’m not saying in any way that her husband needs to get her flowers on a regular basis (although that never hurts!), but a man that does not treat her the way God wants a man to treat his wife will be unacceptable in her eyes. I pray that she will not settle for anything less. I feel that the way a Mom treats her son and the way a Dad treats his daughter has alot to do with the kind of spouse they will look for. If your Dad never shows you much love and you don't see that he cares for you, you assume this is how all men are. You may not expect more than that. However, if you are raised with lots of love and care from your Dad (or Mom, if you are a male) you will expect that. You will think that is how the opposite sex is supposed to treat you. You will be able to spot a loser a mile away!
I already, and have for years, pray for our children’s spouses. I pray that they will marry godly people and raise their children to know and love Jesus.

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