Saturday, February 6, 2010

I'm Back

Zig, Toad and I over Christmas. The snow was almost level with Toad's back!
Pic courtesy of Mom

I was not planning on taking a blogging vacation, but that is just what I did! It has been busy around here. It all started two weeks ago. Our Ziggy dog got really sick, I don’t know if dogs can get the flu or some kind of virus, but those were his issues. I cleaned up more puke in those four or five days than I have with both of our children. I did get really good at knowing when he was going to be sick and getting him outside before I had a mess to clean up. Even in the middle of the night, I knew the symptoms. Zig went two days with no food or water, I know going without food won’t hurt him, but I was getting nervous about the whole dehydration thing. I think he went four days without any food, and then he started to eat again, slowly but surely. Now he is all back to normal!

Just as he was getting better, Toad got sick! Thankfully he was only sick for two days, and nothing as severe as what Zig had been.

The day after Toad was better, Dopey, the cat, got sick. Are kidding me? What is going on here? He was only sick for two days though, too. We have never had a sickness go through all three of our animals before. I didn’t even know it could happen. That was just like when our kids were real young. The week Zig was sick; I didn’t get a full night’s sleep. I was getting up with him two to six times a night to get him outside. Aren’t you glad I filled you in on all of that now? Did you really miss my blogging?!

Last week we had a little mishap with our van. I won’t mention any names or what happened, but I will say we get a new bumper next week. Another lady gets a new door and a paint job on one side of her car. Oh yeah, our insurance will be going up, too. Nobody was hurt, though, and that is the important thing.

I used to do a lot of subbing in our local school district. Towards the end of the last school year, the school board decided not to have subs any more unless absolutely necessary. I missed seeing the students and employees on a regular basis. I did enjoy having much more time at home. Last week and this week one of the ladies that work in the IMC (library) was quite sick. I worked for her most of the two weeks. Working those days will certainly help our budget, but I forgot what it is like to work all day, every day, then come home and do laundry and make supper. I don’t know how some of you ladies and gentlemen out there work a full time job, then come home and do household chores, make meals, run children around, and still find time for the Lord, your spouse and yourself!

What are you all doing for the Super Bowl tomorrow? Do you even care about the Super Bowl? Princess and Trucker are going to our youth pastor’s house for a Super Bowl party. The King and I will have the game on, but it won’t be as exciting as it would’ve been had the Vikings got in! Yes, Chuck, I will be cheering for the Colts! Now I need to go talk to the King and see what kind of chow we want for the game tomorrow! Don’t know if we want some yummy snacks or a scrumptious dinner!

1 comment:

  1. Alright Bug, why wasn't I told about your accident?? I need details! How else can I worry over it properly? It could have been the cherry on top of my crappy weekend. It would've fit right in with my pinched fingers, dropsy (everything I touched!), winter doldrums meltdown, the Saints win, and my sister-in-law's talk about her trip to Mexico. And the new 10 inches of snow (we have 5 already) we're due to get will look so pretty! And I want to move up north? Yes! Yes to both-I want to move up by you guys and Yes-I'm nuts!
