Thursday, January 14, 2010

Skippin' Out!

Shirley and the Princess.

Did you ever skip out of school? Or play hookey? Or blow off a day of school? Or whatever it was called when you were in school? I did once in a while, usually with Grampy’s consent, though. There was that one time I skipped out without telling him, he found out, I got in trouble. I let the Princess and Trucker blow off two days a year, if they are maintaining an A or B average. If your not getting all A’s or B’s, then you can’t afford to skip out a day. I figure when they are adults, out there in the real world, they will hopefully have a job that will provide them with some personal days or vacation days, so I let them practice using them now!!

All of that to say I am skipping out right now. I should be in Bible study. I love Bible study, but tonight the house is very quiet with no one around but me, two dogs and a cat. And I was enjoying a good book. I don’t even feel guilty about skipping out, well, not guilty enough to go.

Trucker always uses his two “free days” for hunting. His days are already used up for this school year. This year he used them both in November for deer hunting. Some years he uses them for deer hunting and other years he has used them for turkey hunting. I personally think skipping out of school to go sledding with a bunch of friends, shopping or spending the day with the King made better use of a day then hunting, but we all are entitled to our own opinions. Some how I can’t picture Trucker skipping out of school to go shopping for a whole day!

The Princess always uses ½ day to go to Green Bay for Districts. That is a Christian youth conference that lasts the whole weekend, from Friday evening until Sunday noon. The adults that go along as chaperones usually go home feeling quite whooped after Districts. Those teenagers have a lot more energy than we do and can go on a lot less sleep, along with a real varied diet. Diets consisting of soda, smoothies, skittles, chips, cookies, crackers, maybe an orange or some pizza thrown in to make it sound good when you talk to Mom and Dad!

Last weekend was Districts ’10. Our youth pastor, his wife, and two other adults from our church loaded up two vans and took down several students for the weekend. I love these people. I love the fact that they are willing to give up their own weekend to spend it with our daughter and several other teens. I love the fact that they are reinforcing the morals and values that we try to teach our children at home. Rob, Shirley, Dan and Dennise; thank you so much for giving up your weekend to serve God and help thousands of young people learn about living for Christ, also. Thank you for the example that you always set for them. May God bless you!


  1. We should thank you too Candy, for you have filled that role and continue to fill that role for so many.

    Love the picture of Shirley and the Princess!

  2. Talk about skipping out, when are you going to blog again? Are you on vacation? Without me? Or are you out taking pictures? I was, on my way to work today. My 5 minute drive took 45 minutes. It's so pretty out!! Lots of fuzzy frost on everything. I think it will take me quite awhile to get home too if its still fuzzy out.

  3. Thank you Cheri, I miss those days, and love the time I get to see and talk to those young men and women now!

    Mom - No, I'm not skipping out! I'm not on vacation without you! No excuses, either, just lazy I guess!
