Saturday, January 9, 2010

Must Be Gettin' Old!

Thursday we had a new baby join our extended family, Aliza Ashley. As of last night Momma and Aliza were both doing well. We get to meet her next Saturday. It’s been a long time since I have held a new born.

Okay, this is pretty sad, don’t even know if I should admit it! I knew what I was going to blog about, signed on and then went and made myself a cup of tea. While I was making my tea, I figured I would update you on our new niece.

Now that I am in front of the computer and blogged about Aliza, I don’t remember what the main thing was I was going to blog about. How sad is that?!! And I’m not even forty yet!

Since I don’t know what I was going to blog about – I’m going to take my tea, go watch some football and work on my afghan. I am using up some scraps that are in the closet. We’ll see how long it takes to finish this one!

I had another snow picture to show you, but blogger is being pokey. You'll have to wait until next week.


  1. Maybe you meant to blog about somebody else getting old? Happy Birthday to the king!

    And I know what you mean about blogger being slow lately. You could make and eat a seven course meal sometimes!

  2. Cheri - You are way to on the ball! Thanks for the birthday wishes for the King!
