Thursday, January 7, 2010

2010 Starting Off With a Bang!

By the time I finished blogging yesterday, Toad had made himself comfy! Maybe he thinks the afghan is his and he just lets the Princess use it!

2010 is going to be a busy year. Our niece went in today to give birth to her first child. Mama and baby have to go through a c-section. I just tried calling the baby’s great-Grandma and great-Aunt to see how things went, but did not get an answer.

I already know of four weddings we will be attending this year; none of them in our area. Three of the weddings we will be able to stay with family, the other one will require a visit to a motel!

2010 will also be the beginning of the Princess’s last year of high school. I’m sure her senior year will bring a roller coaster ride of emotions!

Only God knows what else 2010 will bring. The few things I already know about is enough to let me know I will be busy making some quilts or afghans! I better get busy!

By the way, do we say two thousand ten or do we say twenty ten?

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